Company Press Figures-Data-Facts , At the next Supervisory Board meeting, Boddenberg will be proposed as a candidate for the chairman of Fraport AG’s Supervisory Board. Die Fraport Dividende 2020 wird für das zurückliegende Geschäftsjahr festgelegt. DividendMax forecasts dividends for over 1500 shares in the UK, US and Europe.Each individual company's dividend history and our forecasts areAccess our Fraport AG dividend forecasts and the suite of investor tools All DividendMax content is provided for informational and research purposes only and is not in any way meant to represent trade or investment recommendations.We accept no liability whatsoever for any decision made or action taken or not taken. Hierzu schlägt der Vorstand von Fraport auf der Hauptversammlung die Fraport Dividende vor. Au titre de 2018, le dividende versé en 2019 (le 15 mai) a été de 1,00 €, soit un rendement de 10,46 % au cours de Bourse actuel du 21 avril 2020 de 9,56 €. 0.0% on 07 October 2019 Next Ex-Div-Date Countdown. 94.24 percent of the shareholders also agreed to the resolution for implementing a new Executive Board remuneration system.At the close of the Fraport AGM, Karlheinz Weimar stepped down from the Supervisory Board after serving for more than 16 years. 79.86 percent of Fraport AG’s capital stock were represented. Investors More than 1,300 participants followed this year’s live-stream AGM. Furthermore, 99.98 percent of the shareholders approved the proposal to suspend the dividend for fiscal year 2019. Le dividende de Métropole Télévision est haussier entre 2014 et 2018, passant de 0,85 € à 1,00 €.

, Business Divisions In der Regel wird dem Vorschlag stattgegeben.

Fraport supervisory board chairman Karlheinz Weimar officially opened the AGM at 10:00 and concluded the proceedings at 13:28.Deputy Head of Media Relations Nothing shall substitute for the independent investigations and sound judgement of our users. Key Figures

Dividende Währung Jahr; Fraport AG ** 4,55 ** 1,57: EUR: 2024e: Fraport AG ** 3,24 ** 1,12: … Construction Projects Anschließend stimmen die stimmberechtigten Aktionäre über den Vorschlag ab. He will be succeeded as Supervisory board member by Hessian finance minister Michael Boddenberg, who received 79.57 percent of the shareholder votes. Sign Up Required; Annual Dividends. ,

Ressources and climate protection at the airport and in the region.Information about aircraft noise, noise abatement procedures and measures as well as our roof safety program.At Fraport AG’s first virtual-only Annual General Meeting (AGM) today, shareholders approved all agenda items. Spokesperson for Business and Finance©2004-2020 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services WorldwideFraport AGM 2020: Shareholders approve all agenda items , , , Shareholders ratified the actions of the company’s executive and supervisory boards for fiscal year 2019, by 99.94 percent and 98.19 percent respectively. Fraport AGM 2020: Shareholders approve all agenda items Shareholders ratified actions of Fraport’s Executive and Supervisory boards for business year 2019 – Suspension of dividend approved – Hesse’s finance minister Michael Boddenberg elected to the Supervisory Board . Statistics The previous Fraport AG dividend was 200 ... 10.6% on 17 March 2020 52 Week Low. Traffic Figures The entire profit earmarked for distribution will instead flow into the revenue reserve.